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Construction of Qemal Stafa High School
Construction of Qemal Stafa High School
Reconstruction of Qemal Stafa High School
Start of Work: 25.02.2015
Location: Shkolla e Mesme Qemal Stafa,Tirane
Value: 152,293,143 Lek
Construction Category:Reconstruction of Qemal Stafa High School
Entrepreneur: J.V Shoqeria AURORA KONSTRUKSION & “BE-IS”& EVEREST Shpk
Supervisor:MEGA STUDIO
Completion of Work:06.05.2016
Contracting Authority:Bashkia Tirane
The complete reconstruction and additional environments to the Qemal Stafa High School
Start of Work: 01.08.2016
Location: Shkolla e Mesme Qemal Stafa,Tirane
Value: 15,330,256 Lek
Entrepreneur:Shoqeria “BE-IS”Shpk
Supervisor:MEGA STUDIO
Completion of Work:30.09.2016
Contracting Authority:Bashkia Tirane
Reconstruction of the Agricultural High School “MIHAL SHAHINI” Cerrik
Ndertimi I Rrugeve Migjeni dhe Kadri Roshi, Tirane
Dora D’Istria School
Rehabilitimi urban i sheshit “Zaranika” që ka nisur që nga segmenti i kryqëzimit “1 Maj” deri te Ura e Zaranikës
Construction, Open Projects
Sistemim i rruges Abdulla Bej Tirana ,Mehmet Daiu, Hysni Peni,Lagja Partizanie Lagja Vullnetari
Sistemim Asfalti Rruga “Abdyl Haxhire “Lagjia “28 nentori”
Rehabilitim I Diges se Rezervuarit Divjake
, Interior
Rikonceptimi I Zyrave te AKSHI-T (Ish Ambjentet e QKR)
Rikonstruksion i linjes nga Rr.Mustafa Demiri dhe Rr. Besin Sykja deri tek Kryqezimi I Rr.Elbasanit
Construction, Interior